
October 9, 2014
Call with USTR Michael Froman – May 13, 2014
Click below to download the podcast of the May 13 call hosted by SBEA featuring U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman. During his remarks, Ambassador Froman provided an overview of the President’s trade agenda and discussed the important benefits that small and medium sized businesses stand to gain from the trade agreements currently being negotiated. http://nsba.biz/docs/USTR-Froman-5.13.14.mp3 [Read More]
September 16, 2014
Export Controls Call – Dec. 5, 2013
Click below to listen to this informative call featuring The Honorable Eric Hirschhorn, Under Secretary of the U.S Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).  Click below to listen to Under Secretary Hirschhorn talk to SBEA and NSBA members about export control reforms and various other issues that matter most to small- and mid-sized exporters. [Read More]
September 16, 2014
Export Controls Call – Jan. 27, 2011
Click below to listen to the podcast of SBEA’s Jan. 27, 2011 call discussing the administration’s export controls reform initiative featuring officials with the U.S Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). http://nsba.biz/docs/Export_Controls.mp3
October 27, 2011
Exporting 101 – Oct. 27, 2011
On Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011 NSBA and the Small Business Exporters Association (SBEA)—the international trade arm of NSBA— held an issue briefing teleconference on exporting, “Exporting 101.” With nearly 100 people dialing-in to the call, the expert speakers on the line discussed the challenges they have faced as well as provided various recommendations to new [Read More]

EX-IM Bank Shutdown