Visit the National Conference of District Export Councils

“Adversity and the Benefits of International Trade,” is the intriguing title of an upcoming national conference of exporters. To be held in New Orleans, the conference will highlight how the Gulf Coast region is using international trade as one of the building blocks of its recovery from Hurricane Katrina.

In addition to this topic, the conference will feature a broad agenda of sessions on issues like export controls, tax strategies for exporters, and how exporters can benefit from public-private partnerships.

The conference is being put together by the nation’s District Export Councils. Over 1500 exporters, most of them small and mid-sized businesses, belong to the 56 DEC’s across the country. Each DEC member is appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, and the members work closely with the national network of U.S. Export Assistance Centers. Many SBEA members are active in their local DEC’s, including SBEA Chairman Don Williams, a member of the Atlanta DEC, and SBEA President Jim Morrison, a member of the Washington, DC – Virginia DEC.

Both DEC members and other exporters will be on hand for the New Orleans conference. It runs from Monday October 30th through Wednesday November 1st. The program includes optional tours of the rebuilding effort in New Orleans, as well as some fun-sounding receptions.

For more information, as well as online registration, follow this link: